I've been a busy little bee! Traning for new stuff at work! going to plays! having fun! work, work, play, play
Last week I attended a play of the Night of Free Theater which is a national night where theaters give out a certain amount of free tickets to get people to come. So they are usually off broadway and not much in the spotlight. I went to see Penny Penniworth at Emerging Artists Theater. It was funny because you would never find this place unless you were seeking it out. The theater is on the second floor and is not marked, but it was quite a nice space and pretty big for off broadway (well technically broadway and 19th st I think). The play was a four person farce, with the joke on Dickens. There must have been only about 20 people in the audience, but they really acted their butts off and I laughed and laughed. We gladly donated $5 at the end and received a nice pumpkin oatmeal cookie in return :)
This past weekend I worked the New York Food and Wine festival, which is basically a 3 hour tasting session where people pay around $200 to taste the food and drink of a bazillion different vendors. It was crazy! I did see some Top Chef & Iron chef celebs and enjoyed the utter chaos that is mixing wine, liquor, food and people all together.
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