Around 10pm the cops showed up at our door. They were responding to a domestic disturbance call that one of our neighbors had made (either to try and intimidate us by getting the cops to show up b/c cops have to respond to all domestic complaints as opposed to noise complaints or because they actually thought there was domestic violence happening in our usually quite apt).
So the two cops show up and ask us if there is a problem. We tell them we are having a pumpkin carving party. Here's what the cops see: a group of around 10 twenty somethings carving pumpkins and drinking beer. As my roommate says, we are pretty lame. The cops try to fight smiles but they are secretly cracking up. They asked is we were watching the game, but we were not even that cool. We were watching America's funniest videos with the sounds turned off and the Halloween soundtrack on.
The best part is then I asked them if we needed to be quieter- b/c the neighbors ALWAYS complain when we make the least amount of noise. And the cop shrugged and said "if you want to." That was the best! They smiled again and said goodnight. Quite an action filled party!
Here are our pumpkins: