Friday, July 24, 2009

Recession Blues

The recession finally hit me this week. One of my most wonderful friends and fabulous colleague was let go and it made me so angry, tearful and really feeling that it is unfair. I guess that's one of the points of this recession: a lot of nasty stuff is going to happen to good people. We didn't directly participate in all the greedy practices and foolish spending that led to this point, but it affects everyone. and damn, it's really not fair!

So more people got laid off after we were told that was the end of it. And now our department is going through a complete overhaul and merging with other departments, moving around, getting new bosses and a new work flow. But none of it hurts like losing my friend really won't be the same. It's a big loss :( and I can't even imagine how it will affect her life.

The future remains uncertain. In a way, it's good. It shakes up my complacency and makes me think what else I could, would, should do with my life. I've had a lot of good luck and wonderful things in my life- really been very blessed- so I'm trying to approach this turn in the road in a positive, confident way. But it is not easy and is a hard lesson to learn.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. I hate it that people who don't know or care about me and you have put us in this place. I'm sad about people losing their homes and not being able to pay for health care they need. And, sorry about what's happening in your work world, and to you.

    But, glad to hear you say that it's ok for something to shake your complacency and move you around inside. That's it, that attitude of or commitment to keep re-examining and be flexible. You can survive with that!
