Friday, July 31, 2009

Closing in on Obama

Yes, that's right now I'm two separate two degrees of separation from Mr.Prez. First I met Michelle (or served/stalked her) and then walaa, this thing with Henry Louis Gates. The prof did a PBS show and so stopped by several different local affiliates, one of them being my station. And I rode the elevator with him. This was of course before the whole key door debacle. It's only a matter of time Obama! Way to go for thinking a beer can solve racial profiling. I do admire him for actually acknowledging American cultural tensions.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous that you rode the elevator with Henry Louis Gates! My FB page has been all about this for several days, I'm fascinated by the whole bizarre thing. And, I hope that Obama does get to meet you at some point. Everyone of any importance should.
