Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rosemary had a devil baby!

We went to see Rosemary's Baby in Bryant Park yesterday. I was surprised by the incredible turnout- the park was jam packed with people who wanted to see a very retro horror movie. The night was cold, there were chills on my arm, and the film was just as creepy as ever. I tried to convince my friend Rosemary (for whose sake we went to see the movie) that it wasn't actually scary but campy. Didn't quite convince myself!

It was fun to watch it with a group of people who cheered when Rosemary poured her poison drink down the sink or threw her evil amulet in the gutter. I never realized before how much the movie creates this very creepy, claustrophobic New York apartment full of secrets and death.Very anti big apple! During the middle of the movie there was a commotion in front of us and someone stood up and yelled "Officer! Doctor!" and then all these cops and EMTs came and took someone out of the park into an ambulance. Eerie, huh?

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