Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prince of Persia, or the movie that had entirely too much shirt

So do you buy Jake Gyllenhaal as the nest Johnny Depp? Disney is certainly trying its best to groom Jakey into a money making action machine still imbued with some artistic integrity. And although they might want Jake to be their new Captain Jack Sparrow, complete with hotness, camp and appeal to all ages, this movie turns out more like The Mummy than Pirates. 

Which is not necessarily bad- both The Mummy and Prince are great summer action films. They rely on well known cliches that comfort and amuse, have eye candy for all genders, don't take plot or character development too seriously, and deliver 2 hours of solid fun. Prince even had great video game moments where the characters leap and fight in such unbelievably awesome ways. Although, as noted in the title, Jake had his shirt on for way too much of the movie. What a tease!

But does Jake really work as an action hero? After Donnie Darko and Brokeback Mountain? The answer is maybe sometime in the future, but not yet. Prince of Persia was rich in good looking people, comic relief and quick action. It just lacked that special spark that makes a movie irresistible. Jake is not yet Johhny. Maybe one day...

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