When I first moved to NYC I ended up moving in with one of the girls who shared a semester abroad in London with me. We congregated at a little tea house run by "real" Brits with firm manners and great accents. There's a little strip of 3 shops generously labeled Little Britain down by 8th ave and 14th st where you can get hot and fresh fish and chips at A Salt & Battery, cream tea at Tea & Sympathy and British goodies, candies and tea accessories at their store.
They have a variety of teas which come with a variety of eccentric tea pots in a teeny tiny shop crammed with tables and stacks of cakes and scones.
The place is also known for its list of house rules and strict waiting policy, but the staff is fair and efficient- the only problem comes from other pushy new yorkers trying to get in their british goodies.
Their other food is pretty good. I've had a very decent quiche and salad. But's it really afternoon tea that shines. Their clotted cream is just right- oh so buttery and creamy but not to sweet.
I love to go their with friends and slowly drink my little pot of looseleaf tea. I love wondering which pot or cup I will get this time. On a rainy NYC day I could almost be in London again.
That photo! I love Tea & Sympathy and SO wish that I could sit across the table from you there, today, and we could sigh into the afternoon while we clotted our arteries with Britain's finest cream.