Monday, June 15, 2009

Twelfth Night in the park

was magical! really fun. The weather turned out to be perfect, with pink & blue streaked skies, perfect temperature & no rain. This version of 12th nite was definitely on the campy side. They played up the cross-dressing homosexual tension & the foolery, so that it was light hearted & fun. The play, especially the side story of Malvolio's hubris, has elements of humiliation, discomfort, madness and power that can be played on to bring out the tragedy in the story. However, this version was sort of like 12th nite recession style: all upbeat and funny and happily queer. I had a great time and thought that Anne Hathaway was perfect!! She has such an interesting look, not at all typical but very compelling.

A fabulous NYT write up:

1 comment:

  1. Ah, lovely. I'm so glad it didn't rain on your 12 Night parade. Shakespark is just one more perk of living in NYC. And, the world needs more camp, especially right now!
