Friday, April 17, 2009

big city

Last night as I was walking home from a party about a ten minute walk away from where I live in Harlem, I passed by a couple of guys on the street. One of them followed me for about ten paces and called out "hey white girl!"  This was not particularly frightening but it was intimidating and made me feel like an outsider. It also got me thinking about my experiences in NYC. 

The first thing I have to say is I am pretty ignorant about racial dynamics in the city- perhaps more familiar with the sexual dynamics (like having my ass groped while walking down the street with an eleven year old or the ever constant litany of "how you doing," & "smile, girl"). In my almost two years here I have had only a handful of people talk to me on the street, saying versions of everything from "white girl" to "cracker bitch" from everywhere to downtown Manhattan to the Bronx. Somewhere in there is a messy conflict between race, class & gender dynamics. 

I know that all the neighborhoods in New York have distinct flavors and personalities and that these change over time and cause tension. Living here has been the first time for me to be a racial minority- both in Sunset Park and Harlem. Not a particularly awful burden, seeing as how I still retain a lot of white privilege. But an eye opener. I see how as apartments become available in my building, white people move in. I see how the majority of people are polite and friendly in both of the neighborhoods where I have lived. I honestly cannot afford the "white" neighborhoods of NYC like Union Square, West Village or Upper East/West side. 

1 comment:

  1. God, I'm glad to know you. To know the you who is coming to grips with race, with white privilege, with youth, with urbanity, in Harlem. You have some really good sense and sensibility!
