On Thursday I went to see the Duchess courtesy one of NYC's Free Flicks programs. The Duchess was basically a Lifetime domestic abuse made-for-tv movie with some lush scenery and sumptuous costuming thrown in to dress it up for the Oscars. One notable exception- where as most Lifetime/WE movies try to leave the viewer with an uplifting message or maybe an image

of the trodden down wife finally escaping, the Duchess was two hours of Kiera Knigthly being battered around in every which way. Every time she approached a long awaited tantrum or the aristocratic version of a "frak you!" she backed off and submitted. Which made for one hell of a depressing and disturbing movie.
The only good thing about the movie is the pretty poster, which was free.
ugh. just what we need, another image of a woman being helpless in the face of abuse. Keira should know better!