Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Martha's Muffins

Today I stood in line in the rain for Martha Stewart. After being shuttled through security by her hipster PAs, I was ushered into a room dominated by photos of Martha on white walls, as well as two TVs broadcasting her show. Wowza! It was the altar of Martha, we were the worshippers. But they did give us scrumptious free muffins. Now, a note on muffins: I detest blueberry muffins. Think of the stale rubbery ones with nasty fake blueberry like nuggets inside. Ugh. But these were tasty, thanks Martha! It was an interesting experience. There's only so much applauding I can do on command before I start feeling like a monkey, although the warm up guy Joey was very funny (in a queer but married sort of way). Martha was her stellar, unwrinkled self, managing the fast paced show with perfect aplomb.


  1. only YOU would say "queer but married sort of way" ... and i'm SHOCKED that you ate a blueberry muffin. the powers of Martha

  2. yup, you have definitely left your mark on my vocabulary. i say "ruh roh" a lot too!
