Project Runway: This fluff of a show makes a perfect appetizer, teasing me with bits of drama and frothy fabric creations. I mildly care who wins, but take more delight in the pomp and circumstance, the over the top clothes/characters, and Tim Gunn walking around saying "Carry on."
Lost: remains the same, working its strong points (the tension within a single episode, the hook) and relapsing into its weaknesses (the inability to maintain a coherent overarching story). It's the meaty chunk of television that feeds my soul. Of course I want to know who the Oceanic 6 are and of course I'm digging the flash forwards. But as always, I wonder why none of the characters ever ask why!
Why, Ben, do the people from the boat want you?
Why are they here?
Why does no one ask?
Why shouldn't they leave the island?
I'm sure if they did ask why, no one would get a straight answer. But three seasons in and I still have no real idea why Ben doesn't want to leave the island and why the other's shouldn't want to be rescued. And that's not good. Ben, Ben, Ben!
Big Brother, Til Death Do Us Part: is so awesomely craptastic. it's like multiple reality shows bred and had a big squalling kissy baby. its the big plastic wrapped twinkie of television.
Craptastic indeed. I'm ready for the writers to come back and take us through the end of the "real" tv season. Whatever. Maybe it's because I'm so old, but American tv seems to have taken a major nose dive. There's nothing on tv that feeds anything like my soul!