Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Is it Write?

I saw the writers on strike a few days ago, marching around in circles next to a big rat. I'm sympathetic to their plight- of course, writers should get a share of the profits of their own work and that profit is going to come more and more from new media. on the other hand, everything in Hollywood is already inflated and this seems like the successful wanting more money like when the cast of Friends wanted higher paychecks. it's hard to make a living in the entertainment industry, and they want more? i feel more sympathy for the stage hand strike, but still...these are fun, cultural jobs not manual labor or hard, necessary work, so call me again when nurses or teachers go on strike and I'll be out there to support them.

as for TV this week...starting to enjoy KB on Heroes. Her character is so naughty and starting to emerge. She's the only breath of fresh air on the tiresome flashback episodes. heroes is dying slowly, but at least KB makes it somewhat worth watching the death throes.

and project runway starts tomorrow! can't wait. at least its dependably the same. carry on!

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