Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Out with a bang

I felt like tonight's VM was truly old school- even VM said so herself, when she remarked that it felt like she was back in high school

but it had that VM against the world vibe: she was vulnerable but still couldnt be disempowered, she still kicked major ass. interesting addition of the guy with "connections" who VM decides not to mess with but Logan attacks anyway

so they didn't wrap up LoVe of course, but they hinted that it could be possible. Logan was back to being his old misunderstood heroic self. and Lily and Duncan made some surprising returns. I also continue to like Dick and like the complicated way the show develops him but also keeps him the same.

so it was a stellar episode- Veronica marshalling her powers to bring down patriarchy, with complicated results. and in the end V walks down the street in the pouring rain and that scene echoes my own sadness.

this might be the end for this blog too, which was VM inspired. it will be truly hard to find a new TV show worth talking about.

here's to you, Veronica Mars!

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